1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546
//! Bindings to `clFFT`. See http://clmathlibraries.github.io/clFFT/ for more information. use ocl_core::ffi::*; #[repr(i32)] /* @brief clfft error codes definition(incorporating OpenCL error definitions) * * This enumeration is a superset of the OpenCL error codes. For example, CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY, * which is defined in cl.h is aliased as CLFFT_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY. The set of basic OpenCL * error codes is extended to add extra values specific to the clfft package. */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftStatus { CLFFT_INVALID_GLOBAL_WORK_SIZE = -63, CLFFT_INVALID_MIP_LEVEL = -62, CLFFT_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE = -61, CLFFT_INVALID_GL_OBJECT = -60, CLFFT_INVALID_OPERATION = -59, CLFFT_INVALID_EVENT = -58, CLFFT_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST = -57, CLFFT_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET = -56, CLFFT_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE = -55, CLFFT_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE = -54, CLFFT_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION = -53, CLFFT_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS = -52, CLFFT_INVALID_ARG_SIZE = -51, CLFFT_INVALID_ARG_VALUE = -50, CLFFT_INVALID_ARG_INDEX = -49, CLFFT_INVALID_KERNEL = -48, CLFFT_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION = -47, CLFFT_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME = -46, CLFFT_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE = -45, CLFFT_INVALID_PROGRAM = -44, CLFFT_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS = -43, CLFFT_INVALID_BINARY = -42, CLFFT_INVALID_SAMPLER = -41, CLFFT_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE = -40, CLFFT_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR = -39, CLFFT_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT = -38, CLFFT_INVALID_HOST_PTR = -37, CLFFT_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE = -36, CLFFT_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES = -35, CLFFT_INVALID_CONTEXT = -34, CLFFT_INVALID_DEVICE = -33, CLFFT_INVALID_PLATFORM = -32, CLFFT_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE = -31, CLFFT_INVALID_VALUE = -30, CLFFT_MAP_FAILURE = -12, CLFFT_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE = -11, CLFFT_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED = -10, CLFFT_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH = -9, CLFFT_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP = -8, CLFFT_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE = -7, CLFFT_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY = -6, CLFFT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES = -5, CLFFT_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE = -4, CLFFT_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE = -3, CLFFT_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = -2, CLFFT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = -1, CLFFT_SUCCESS = 0, CLFFT_BUGCHECK = 4096, CLFFT_NOTIMPLEMENTED = 4097, CLFFT_TRANSPOSED_NOTIMPLEMENTED = 4098, CLFFT_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 4099, CLFFT_FILE_CREATE_FAILURE = 4100, CLFFT_VERSION_MISMATCH = 4101, CLFFT_INVALID_PLAN = 4102, CLFFT_DEVICE_NO_DOUBLE = 4103, CLFFT_DEVICE_MISMATCH = 4104, CLFFT_ENDSTATUS = 4105, } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief The dimension of the input and output buffers that is fed into all FFT transforms */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftDim { CLFFT_1D = 1, CLFFT_2D = 2, CLFFT_3D = 3, ENDDIMENSION = 4, } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief Specify the expected layouts of the buffers */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftLayout { CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED = 1, CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR = 2, CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED = 3, CLFFT_HERMITIAN_PLANAR = 4, CLFFT_REAL = 5, ENDLAYOUT = 6, } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief Specify the expected precision of each FFT. */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftPrecision { CLFFT_SINGLE = 1, CLFFT_DOUBLE = 2, CLFFT_SINGLE_FAST = 3, CLFFT_DOUBLE_FAST = 4, ENDPRECISION = 5, } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief Specify the expected direction of each FFT, time or the frequency domains */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftDirection { CLFFT_FORWARD = -1, CLFFT_BACKWARD = 1, ENDDIRECTION = 2, } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief Specify wheter the input buffers are overwritten with results */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftResultLocation { CLFFT_INPLACE = 1, CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE = 2, ENDPLACE = 3, } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief Determines whether the result is returned in original order. It is valid only for dimensions greater than 1. */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftResultTransposed { CLFFT_NOTRANSPOSE = 1, CLFFT_TRANSPOSED = 2, ENDTRANSPOSED = 3, } /* @brief Data structure that can be passed to clfftSetup() to control the behavior of the FFT runtime * @details This structure contains values that can be initialized before instantiation of the FFT runtime * with ::clfftSetup(). To initialize this structure, pass a pointer to a user struct to ::clfftInitSetupData( ), * which clears the structure and sets the version member variables to the current values. */ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct clfftSetupData { /* < Major version number of the project; signifies possible major API changes. */ pub major: cl_uint, /* < Minor version number of the project; minor API changes that can break backward compatibility. */ pub minor: cl_uint, /* < Patch version number of the project; always incrementing number, signifies change over time. */ pub patch: cl_uint, /* Bitwise flags that control the behavior of library debug logic. */ pub debugFlags: cl_ulong, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_clfftSetupData_() { assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<clfftSetupData>() , 24usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::<clfftSetupData>() , 8usize); } impl Clone for clfftSetupData { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(i32)] /* @brief Type of Callback function. */ #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum clfftCallbackType { PRECALLBACK = 0, POSTCALLBACK = 1, } /* @brief An abstract handle to the object that represents the state of the FFT(s) */ pub type clfftPlanHandle = usize; #[link(name = "clFFT")] extern "C" { /* @brief Initialize the internal FFT resources. * @details The internal resources include FFT implementation caches kernels, programs, and buffers. * @param[in] setupData Data structure that is passed into the setup routine to control FFT generation behavior * and debug functionality * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftSetup(setupData: *const clfftSetupData) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Release all internal resources. * @details Called when client is done with the FFT library, allowing the library to destroy all resources it has cached * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftTeardown() -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Query the FFT library for version information * @details Returns the major, minor and patch version numbers associated with the FFT library * @param[out] major Major functionality change * @param[out] minor Minor functionality change * @param[out] patch Bug fixes, documentation changes, no new features introduced * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetVersion(major: *mut cl_uint, minor: *mut cl_uint, patch: *mut cl_uint) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Create a plan object initialized entirely with default values. * @details A plan is a repository of state for calculating FFT's. Allows the runtime to pre-calculate kernels, programs * and buffers and associate them with buffers of specified dimensions. * @param[out] plHandle Handle to the newly created plan * @param[in] context Client is responsible for providing an OpenCL context for the plan * @param[in] dim Dimensionality of the FFT transform; describes how many elements are in the array * @param[in] clLengths An array of length of size 'dim'; each array value describes the length of each dimension * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftCreateDefaultPlan(plHandle: *mut clfftPlanHandle, context: cl_context, dim: clfftDim, clLengths: *const usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Create a copy of an existing plan. * @details This API allows a client to create a new plan based upon an existing plan. This function can be used to * quickly create plans that are similar, but may differ slightly. * @param[out] out_plHandle Handle to the newly created plan that is based on in_plHandle * @param[in] new_context Client is responsible for providing a new context for the new plan * @param[in] in_plHandle Handle to a previously created plan that is to be copied * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftCopyPlan(out_plHandle: *mut clfftPlanHandle, new_context: cl_context, in_plHandle: clfftPlanHandle) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Prepare the plan for execution. * @details After all plan parameters are set, the client has the option of 'baking' the plan, which informs the runtime that * no more change to the parameters of the plan is expected, and the OpenCL kernels can be compiled. This optional function * allows the client application to perform the OpenCL kernel compilation when the application is initialized instead of during the first * execution. * At this point, the clfft runtime applies all implimented optimizations, including * running kernel experiments on the devices in the plan context. * <p> This function takes a long time to execute. If a plan is not baked before being executed, * the first call to clfftEnqueueTransform takes a long time to execute. * <p> If any significant parameter of a plan is changed after the plan is baked (by a subsequent call to any one of * the functions that has the prefix "clfftSetPlan"), it is not considered an error. Instead, the plan reverts back to * the unbaked state, discarding the benefits of the baking operation. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] numQueues Number of command queues in commQueueFFT; 0 is a valid value, in which case the client does not want * the runtime to run load experiments and only pre-calculate state information * @param[in] commQueueFFT An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues must be a proper subset of * the devices included in the plan context * @param[in] pfn_notify A function pointer to a notification routine. The notification routine is a callback function that * an application can register and is called when the program executable is built (successfully or unsuccessfully). * Currently, this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr. * @param[in] user_data Passed as an argument when pfn_notify is called. * Currently, this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr. * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftBakePlan(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, numQueues: cl_uint, commQueueFFT: *mut cl_command_queue, pfn_notify: ::std::option::Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void)>, user_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Release the resources of a plan. * @details A plan may include resources, such as kernels, programs, and buffers that consume memory. When a plan * is no more needed, the client must release the plan. * @param[in,out] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftDestroyPlan(plHandle: *mut clfftPlanHandle) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the OpenCL context of a previously created plan. * @details The user must pass a reference to a cl_context variable, which is modified to point to a * context set in the specified plan. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] context Reference to the user allocated cl_context, which points to context set in the plan * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetPlanContext(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, context: *mut cl_context) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the floating point precision of the FFT data * @details The user must pass a reference to a clfftPrecision variable, which is set to the * precision of the FFT complex data in the plan. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] precision Reference to the user clfftPrecision enum * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetPlanPrecision(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, precision: *mut clfftPrecision) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the floating point precision of the FFT data * @details Sets the floating point precision of the FFT complex data in the plan. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] precision Reference to the user clfftPrecision enum * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftSetPlanPrecision(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, precision: clfftPrecision) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the scaling factor that is applied to the FFT data * @details The user must pass a reference to a cl_float variable, which is set to the * floating point scaling factor that is multiplied across the FFT data. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dir Direction of the applied scaling factor * @param[out] scale Reference to the user cl_float variable * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetPlanScale(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dir: clfftDirection, scale: *mut cl_float) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the scaling factor that is applied to the FFT data * @details Sets the floating point scaling factor that is * multiplied across the FFT data. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dir Direction of the applied scaling factor * @param[in] scale Reference to the user cl_float variable * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftSetPlanScale(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dir: clfftDirection, scale: cl_float) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the number of discrete arrays that the plan can concurrently handle * @details The user must pass a reference to a cl_uint variable, which is set to the * number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) that is batched together for the plan * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] batchSize Number of discrete FFTs performed * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetPlanBatchSize(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, batchSize: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the number of discrete arrays that the plan can concurrently handle * @details Sets the plan property which sets the number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) * that is batched together for the plan * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] batchSize Number of discrete FFTs performed * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftSetPlanBatchSize(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, batchSize: usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the dimensionality of the data that is transformed * @details Queries a plan object and retrieves the value of the dimensionality that the plan is set for. A size is returned to * help the client allocate sufficient storage to hold the dimensions in a further call to clfftGetPlanLength * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] dim The dimensionality of the FFT to be transformed * @param[out] size Value to allocate an array to hold the FFT dimensions. * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetPlanDim(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: *mut clfftDim, size: *mut cl_uint) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the dimensionality of the data that is transformed * @details Set the dimensionality of the data that is transformed by the plan * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT to be transformed * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftSetPlanDim(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the length of each dimension of the FFT * @details The user must pass a reference to a size_t array, which is set to the * length of each discrete dimension of the FFT * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim Dimension of the FFT; describes how many elements are in the clLengths array * @param[out] clLengths An array of length of size 'dim'; each array value describes the length of each dimension * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftGetPlanLength(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim, clLengths: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the length of each dimension of the FFT * @details Sets the plan property which is the length of each discrete dimension of the FFT * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim The dimension of the FFT; describes how many elements are in the clLengths array * @param[in] clLengths An array of length of size 'dim'; each array value describes the length of each dimension * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftSetPlanLength(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim, clLengths: *const usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements of input buffers in each dimension. * @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT), strideY or strideZ can be safely * ignored * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; provides the number of elements in the array * @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'. */ pub fn clfftGetPlanInStride(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim, clStrides: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements of input buffers in each dimension. * @details Set the plan properties which is the distance between elements in all dimensions of the input buffer * (units are in terms of clfftPrecision) * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; provides the number of elements in the clStrides array * @param[in] clStrides An array of strides of size 'dim'. Usually, strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously. * Typically, strideY=LenX and strideZ=LenX*LenY with the successive elements in the second and third dimensions stored in packed format. * See @ref DistanceStridesandPitches for details. */ pub fn clfftSetPlanInStride(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim, clStrides: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements of output buffers in each dimension. * @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT), strideY or strideZ can be safely * ignored * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; provides the number of elements in the clStrides array * @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'. */ pub fn clfftGetPlanOutStride(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim, clStrides: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements of output buffers in a dimension. * @details Sets the plan properties which is the distance between elements in all dimensions of the output buffer * (units are in terms of clfftPrecision) * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; provides the number of elements in the clStrides array * @param[in] clStrides An array of strides of size 'dim'. Usually, strideX=1 so that successive elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously. * Typically, strideY=LenX and strideZ=LenX*LenY cause the successive elements in the second and third dimensions be stored in packed format. * @sa clfftSetPlanInStride */ pub fn clfftSetPlanOutStride(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dim: clfftDim, clStrides: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the distance between array objects * @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is only used * for 'array' dimensions in clfftDim; see clfftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of clfftPrecision) * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in input buffer. * For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ) * @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in output buffer. * For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ) */ pub fn clfftGetPlanDistance(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, iDist: *mut usize, oDist: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the distance between array objects * @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is only used * for 'array' dimensions in clfftDim; see clfftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of clfftPrecision) * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in input buffer. * For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ) * @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects in output buffer. * For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ) */ pub fn clfftSetPlanDistance(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, iDist: usize, oDist: usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the expected layout of the input and output buffers * @details Input and output buffers can be filled with either Hermitian, complex, or real numbers. Complex numbers are stored * in various layouts; this function retrieves the layouts used by input and output * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory * @param[out] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory */ pub fn clfftGetLayout(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, iLayout: *mut clfftLayout, oLayout: *mut clfftLayout) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the expected layout of the input and output buffers * @details Input and output buffers can be filled with either Hermitian, complex, or real numbers. Complex numbers can be stored * in various layouts; this function informs the library what layouts to use for input and output * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory * @param[in] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory */ pub fn clfftSetLayout(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, iLayout: clfftLayout, oLayout: clfftLayout) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve whether the input buffers are to be overwritten with results * @details If the setting performs an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten with the results of the * transform. If the setting performs an out-of-place transforms, the library looks for separate output buffers * on the Enqueue call. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] placeness Informs the library to either overwrite the input buffers with results or to write them in separate output buffers */ pub fn clfftGetResultLocation(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, placeness: *mut clfftResultLocation) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set whether the input buffers are to be overwritten with results * @details If the setting performs an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten with the results of the * transform. If the setting performs an out-of-place transforms, the library looks for separate output buffers * on the Enqueue call. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] placeness Informs the library to either overwrite the input buffers with results or to write them in separate output buffers */ pub fn clfftSetResultLocation(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, placeness: clfftResultLocation) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Retrieve the final transpose setting of a multi-dimensional FFT * @details A multi-dimensional FFT transposes the data several times during calculation. If the client * does not care about the final transpose, to put data back in proper dimension, the final transpose can be skipped * to improve speed * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] transposed Specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped */ pub fn clfftGetPlanTransposeResult(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, transposed: *mut clfftResultTransposed) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Set the final transpose setting of a multi-dimensional FFT * @details A multi-dimensional FFT transposes the data several times during calculation. If the client * does not care about the final transpose, to put data back in proper dimension, the final transpose can be skipped * to improve speed * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] transposed Specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped */ pub fn clfftSetPlanTransposeResult(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, transposed: clfftResultTransposed) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Get buffer size (in bytes), which may be needed internally for an intermediate buffer * @details Very large FFT transforms may need multiple passes, and the operation needs a temporary buffer to hold * intermediate results. This function is only valid after the plan is baked, otherwise, an invalid operation error * is returned. If the returned buffersize is 0, the runtime needs no temporary buffer. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[out] buffersize Size in bytes for intermediate buffer */ pub fn clfftGetTmpBufSize(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, buffersize: *mut usize) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Register the callback parameters * @details Client can provide a callback function to do custom processing while reading input data and/or * writing output data. The callback function is provided as a string. * clFFT library incorporates the callback function string into the main FFT kernel. This function is used * by client to set the necessary parameters for callback * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] funcName Callback function name * @param[in] funcString Callback function in string form * @param[in] localMemSize Optional - Size (bytes) of the local memory used by callback function; pass 0 if no local memory is used * @param[in] callbackType Type of callback - Pre-Callback or Post-Callback * @param[in] userdata Supplementary data if any used by callback function * @param[in] numUserdataBuffers Number of userdata buffers */ pub fn clfftSetPlanCallback(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, funcName: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, funcString: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, localMemSize: ::std::os::raw::c_int, callbackType: clfftCallbackType, userdata: *mut cl_mem, numUserdataBuffers: ::std::os::raw::c_int) -> clfftStatus; /* @brief Enqueue an FFT transform operation, and return immediately (non-blocking) * @details This transform API function computes the FFT transform. It is non-blocking as it * only enqueues the OpenCL kernels for execution. The synchronization step must be managed by the user. * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a previously created plan * @param[in] dir Forward or backward transform * @param[in] numQueuesAndEvents Number of command queues in commQueues; number of expected events to be returned in outEvents * @param[in] commQueues An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues must be a proper subset of * the devices included in the OpenCL context associated with the plan * @param[in] numWaitEvents Specify the number of elements in the eventWaitList array * @param[in] waitEvents Events for which the transform waits to complete before executing on the device * @param[out] outEvents The runtime fills this array with events corresponding one to one with the input command queues passed * in commQueues. This parameter can have the value NULL or nullptr. When the value is NULL, the client is not interested in receiving notifications * when transforms are finished, otherwise, (if not NULL) the client is responsible for allocating this array with at least * as many elements as specified in numQueuesAndEvents. * @param[in] inputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that contain data for processing by the FFT runtime. If the transform * is in-place, the FFT results overwrite the input buffers * @param[out] outputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that store the results of out-of-place transforms. If the transform * is in-place, this parameter may be NULL or nullptr and is completely ignored * @param[in] tmpBuffer A cl_mem object that is reserved as a temporary buffer for FFT processing. If clTmpBuffers is NULL or nullptr, * and the library needs temporary storage, an internal temporary buffer is created on the fly managed by the library. * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes */ pub fn clfftEnqueueTransform(plHandle: clfftPlanHandle, dir: clfftDirection, numQueuesAndEvents: cl_uint, commQueues: *mut cl_command_queue, numWaitEvents: cl_uint, waitEvents: *const cl_event, outEvents: *mut cl_event, inputBuffers: *mut cl_mem, outputBuffers: *mut cl_mem, tmpBuffer: cl_mem) -> clfftStatus; }